Body Locations

Locations on the body. [i] for head; [t] for torso; [j] for arms; and [k] for legs.
The Body
Locations on the head [i]. [di] for back of head; [fi] for crown; [wi] for forehead; [qi] for eyes; [gi] for ears; [ni] for cheeks; [ci] for nose; [oi] for mouth; and [ui] for chin.
The Head "i"
Locations on the arms [j]. [cj] for upper arm; [lj] for outer elbow; [luj] for inner elbow; [sj] for outer wrist; [suj] for inner wrist; [pj] for palm; [fj] for outer finger; and [fuj] for inner finger.
The Arms "j"
Locations on the torso [t]. [ut] for neck; [ct] for side upper torso; [st] for center upper torso; [bt] for lower torso; and [gt] for waist.
The Torso "t"
Locations on the legs [k]. [gk] for hips and lower abdomen; [guk] for crotch; [lk] for thighs, calves, and shins; [fk] for feet; and [fuk] for ankles.
The Legs "k"