Contact Us

Please contact us by sending an email to

On receiving your email we will reply with a generic message afirming that your message was received and whether or not you should expect a follow up reply.

Corrections to the website

If you feel that information on our website is in error, please include in your email the following:

  • a description of the error
  • the url of the page
  • the section title (as titled on the side navigation bar of the page if present)
  • the text containing the error

Additions & Contributions to the website

If you would like to add content to the website then that content must contain an adequate bibliography of references that supports the addition. Please also include the best method for acknowledging you, the author(s). Using XML or any other markup is encouraged, but not required. We accept content in any language and any writing system as well as video content. The presentation format of content on our website will be decided by our developers.